Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


At the 2018 Volunteer Recognition Event, we celebrated the extraordinary volunteers who run Uplift Family Services’ fundraising auxiliaries in our Bay Area Region: The Butter Paddle, The Happy Dragon, and The Unicorn Thrift Shop, as well as our Tennis Marathon, with our annual Volunteer Recognition Event.

These dedicated community members put in over 45,000 hours of their time per year to raise money to help children and families in need. Just last year, $90,000 was raised thanks to the hard work and commitment of these volunteers.

Associate Director of Fund Development Darren Demonsi and his son, Evan, emceed the evening. We also had the opportunity to hear from longtime supporter and board member Roger Barney and Senior Clinical Director Don Taylor. The emotional heart of the evening was a special client speaker who told her story and shared the impact Uplift Family Services has had on the life of her granddaughter and their family (not pictured, for privacy). At the end of the event, auxiliary presidents had the opportunity to speak and present special awards to select volunteers.

We are so thankful to partner with and celebrate these amazing volunteers!

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