Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.



Dear friends and supporters,

As we close another fiscal year and surpass another anniversary of California’s shelter-in-place mandate, I want to take a moment to reflect on the impact of our generous and compassionate community. What we accomplished together is nothing short of miraculous! There is much to celebrate in this report, including exciting new service options and our ability to provide uninterrupted service to our customers in spite of the pandemic.

I am also pleased to announce that, as a part of our strategic plan, we are merging with Pacific Clinics, another leading provider of behavioral health care based out of Southern California, on March 1, 2022. By combining our operations, we will have greater financial resources and deeper advocacy opportunities that will allow us to expand our services and increase the number of vulnerable children, families, and adults we can help each year. The merger also opens the door to an expanded continuity of care for youth as they age out of foster care and other programs.

While Pacific Clinics will merge into our organization and our executive and regional leadership will remain intact, we will begin to operate under the Pacific Clinics name. We did not make this decision lightly, as Uplift Family Services is a trusted name and represents our strong portfolio of work with children and families. However, we believe our new name will more ably represent our expanded future role as a care provider that integrates physical and behavioral health care across the age continuum, and best represents our expanded geographical footprint.

I am so very proud to be leading the combined organization as Darrell retires after 29 years with Uplift. He leaves the agency with a strong foundation upon which to expand our reach into more communities in need, and we are so grateful for his heart, intellect, and enthusiasm for this work.

On behalf of the Executive Leadership Team and our Board of Directors, we are excited by the opportunities that lie ahead as we begin to experience the extraordinary benefits of a combined organization. We believe that we will be better together–and so will the communities and customers we serve.


In gratitude,

Kathy Signature

Kathryn Meier McCarthy, Esq.
Chief Executive Officer/President
Uplift Family Services

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