In the LAist article, “‘What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up Some More?’ Advice For Aspiring Leaders In Early Childhood,” Executive Director of Head Start Wassy Tesfa was asked what advice she would give to those who are looking to enter the early childhood sector. As an immigrant and minority, Tesfa has found allies – White and Black – in the workplace who have supported her professional development, ultimately leading up her executive director position at Pacific Clinics. “There’s a lot more people for you than against you and a lot more opportunities than you think there are. I grew up in Africa, where everybody looked like me, whether they be on top or at the bottom. So I think that made a difference in how I saw myself, whether people saw me that way or not.”

Pacific Clinics Selected as AFFIRM Pro Participant
The AFFIRM Pro coaching program will enhance our agency’s ability to provide an inclusive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ clients and their families.