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Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


November is National Adoption Month! To celebrate, the county of Sacramento and its many adoption agencies come together annually to recognize the amazing people who have opened their hearts and homes to equally amazing children and teenagers.

national adoption month reading names

The event, led by Stanford Sierra Youth and Families, includes a reading of names of the children and teenagers in search of a forever home in Sacramento. The activities also include a heartfelt thank you to all the staff, county employees, volunteers, and community partners who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring these families together.

Typically, families gather at the state Capitol for an event to celebrate our families, but, as with many things in 2020, this event will look differently than previous years. There was hope that an outdoor event adhering to proper social distancing and other safety precautions could occur, but as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in California and the country, it was decided that the safest way to move forward was with a virtual event.

However, not even a pandemic could dampen the spirit of love and appreciation that surrounds the annual event.

The culmination of the festivities is recognizing the Adoption Families of the Year from each participating agency. This year, Uplift Family Services is excited to honor Angela and Douglas Williams and their eight amazing children as the Adoption Family of the Year.

Adoption Family of the Year

national adoption month angela douglas williams
Angela and Douglas Williams have always wanted a large family and have three biological children of their own. Even as their family started to grow, they recognized the need for a loving support system for children and teens who do not have a forever home. The Williamses felt passionate and equipped to provide a loving forever home and decided to grow their family by adopting children both locally and abroad.

After a great experience with an international adoption of their two youngest children, Angela and Douglas were excited to move forward with more adoptions. In 2018, they welcomed three siblings into their home—two 9-year-old sisters and their 8-year-old brother—as part of the foster care service at Uplift Family Services. Finally, earlier this year, they adopted another sibling set of three, officially expanding their family from seven to ten!
national adoption month williams children

This adoption was quite different than their previous experience and came with unique challenges. However, Angela and Douglas remained optimistic and strong as the children adjusted to their new home and worked with their Uplift Family Services support staff to make the transition as smooth as possible. Despite the challenges, the children bonded with all family members and soon it felt as though they had always lived there.

adoption family year williams

As one can imagine, the Williams’ household is a busy one. Angela and Douglas are very active in their church, coach their children’s various sports teams, and love attending local sporting events with their family. The Williamses also love to travel together, with pre-pandemic trips to Hawaii and Disneyland, and many camping trips throughout California.

Celebrate National Adoption Month

The entire month of November is National Adoption Month and you can celebrate by getting involved with our adoption services. Uplift Family Services accepts any person over 21, regardless of race, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or whether they are married, single, or part of any other family structure. There are also no income restrictions, provided the resource parent can financially support a child or teenager.

There are nearly 60,000 youth in search of a forever home in California. There is especially a need for families open to fostering or adopting teenagers, LGBT+ youth, and/or sibling sets. If this sounds like you, we would love to help you become a resource parent.

You can learn more about the process on the adoption frequently asked questions page or by creating an account on our online portal. A member of our team will reach out to answer any questions you have.

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