Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


Across the state, Pacific Clinics’ Prevention programs work to reduce the impact of substance use and other mental health disorders in the communities we serve.

Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Program

The Bay Area and Los Angeles regions’ PEI programs use evidence-based practices to provide services, including parent coaching and workshops, behavioral support and individual therapy. Pacific Clinics employees work in collaboration with parents and teachers to support children in school settings, which allows the team to quickly identify needs and prevent the escalation of emotional and behavioral challenges. Currently, PEI provides services in 11 school districts throughout the Bay Area and 10 school districts in the West and East San Gabriel Valley, and though these services are school-based, they also help students succeed within their homes and their communities.

Youth & Parent Development programs

In the Los Angeles region, the Youth & Parent Development programs in high schools include targeted English as a Second Language (ESL) classes which provide students who have recently moved to the United States with an understanding of cultural differences and help to navigate differences in school systems and social learning. Our employees provide a safe environment to help students learn how to better communicate with others, improve self-esteem, understand their own values and belief systems, and practice anger management and stress management skills. Students may be linked to other services within the Pacific Clinics network during the sessions if needed.

In addition, PEI and Prevention programs offer parenting classes with a variety of focuses:

  • The Strengthening Families Program teaches parenting skills and children’s life skills in a positive environment with the goal of increasing family strengths and resilience. It also helps to improve social skills and increase positive family interactions. During these sessions, dinner and childcare are provided.
  • The Triple P Positive Parenting Program provides parents with the education, resources and tools necessary for learning how to interact with their children in healthy social and emotional contexts.
  • Case management and outreach services link children, youth and families to a variety of resources in the community, such as food assistance programs, public assistance and housing/agency programs.
  • The All American Family Enhancement Network (AAFEN), funded by the Los Angeles County Department of Children Family Services and offered in Mandarin, Korean and Spanish, equips caregivers and parents with the knowledge and skills to decrease family conflict and improve their relationship with their children.

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