Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


For parents and caregivers of children and youth experiencing behavioral or mental health challenges in the Central Region, there is hope. Several programs are offered in the region that include a full spectrum of services to youth and those of all ages: Bright Beginnings, ACT, Hope and Crossroads.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Bright Beginnings
Both the Bright Beginnings Program (0-10 years) and the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program (10-18 years) at Pacific Clinics help those who are experiencing severe and persistent mental health challenges, and complex care needs by offering a comprehensive range of community-based services that are flexible, accessible and individualized.

How The Programs Work
Depending on the child’s needs, clinicians, addiction prevention counselors, family specialists, education/vocational specialists, parent partners, psychiatrists and clinical program managers work in collaboration with the client and their family or caregiver to provide ongoing, individualized care.

Once the team is assembled, a treatment plan and goals are developed. This plan includes a comprehensive range of services.

Under the ACT Program

  • Youth receive services in their homes, school, or in the community.
  • Teams fit their schedules around the complex care needs of youth and families.
  • Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

ACTing is Easy

  • If you are a parent or caregiver caring for or working with a troubled youth in the Fresno region, call Pacific Clinics at (559) 248-8550.
  • Ask to speak to the Intake Coordinator for the ACT or Bright Beginnings Program.
  • We will help determine if the youth is eligible and walk you through the process if eligibility is affirmed.

Hope Program
The Hope Program helps youth and their families or caregivers who have been referred through the Department of Social Services (DSS) through a mandated court order. Most youth served are in foster care and have experienced high levels of trauma. More than 65 percent of this population is diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

How Hope Works
Under the Hope Program, which works closely with DSS, therapy, rehabilitation services and specialty support are offered to children and families, including assessments and other support for biological parents.

All three programs have a shared psychiatrist and nurse practitioner on staff and offer personalized support navigating county requirements.

Crossroads Transitional Housing Program (Crossroads THP)
Crossroads THP serves transitional-aged youth, ages 18-24, who are currently unhoused or in danger of becoming unhoused by providing housing and helping them develop the necessary skills for independent, stable, permanent living.

How THP Works
Young adults are referred to Pacific Clinics from one of five clinical partners and, once enrolled in the program, are moved into one of our two housing facilities in Tulare County, each having the capacity to house up to 10 residents.

The clients are then provided with a structured living environment, including program rules, weekly case management and additional services as needed. Case managers, clinicians and other caregivers work as a team alongside program enrollees to create a wellness journey and guide the young adults through milestones such as:

  • Obtaining and maintaining employment
  • Earning a GED or post-secondary education/training
  • Following an effective, recommended medication plan
  • Maintaining a sober lifestyle

Pacific Clinics also helps clients transition to independent living by teaching everyday skills such as:

  • Money management and budgeting
  • Apartment maintenance
  • Laundry, cooking, etc.
  • Relationship nurturing
  • Resource leveraging
  • Volunteering in the community

“Our teams are constantly going above and beyond to help kids and families and youth get the services and support they need to move beyond surviving to thriving,” says Regional Executive Director, Central Region Marilyn Sliney. “We work closely together and between programs to ensure seamless support and provide extra hand holding for clients as they navigate county and state systems.”

For more information about Central Region services contact (559) 248-8550.

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