Main Services Area

Educational Programs
Educational Programs provide students with the skills they need to live successful lives. Our robust programs include early childhood development, classroom consultations in partnership with school districts, adult continuing education programs and parent workshops.
Support Services

Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.


Asking for help isn’t easy. Whether you’re looking for individualized complex care services for you or for someone you love, taking this first step is huge. At Pacific Clinics, we welcome you with open arms.

Complex care improves the mental health and well-being of people with complex mental health, behavioral and social needs. We understand their needs on an individual and social level.

Our complex care center is all about the client. We evaluate their individual goals and needs to give them the best support possible.

Who Are People With Complex Health and Social Needs?

We help a variety of people with complex health and social needs. There is no checklist of requirements someone has to meet to seek complex care services. This group can include anyone who experiences ongoing physical or behavioral health conditions.

They may also face problems like lack of access to housing, food and transportation. When people who require complex care don’t get the help they need, these problems get worse. Pacific Clinics gives clients the care and guidance they need before this happens.

We also provide complex care for community members experiencing:

  • Discrimination
  • Unacknowledged trauma
  • Substance use and abuse
  • Lack of access to health providers who speak their language

Why Do We Need Complex Care?

Some care providers address health or behavioral conditions as conditions, not as people with conditions.

At Pacific Clinics’ complex care center, we practice people-first care. We view our clients as people with many related needs.

Our care is:

  • Person-centered: Clients are in control of their goals and health care
  • Equal: We acknowledge that some clients face individual and community-based discrimination that plays a role in their needs
  • Team-based: Each client has support from our behavioral, social and medical care teams

For example, a client who has a mental health challenge cannot receive the care they need if their providers don’t acknowledge their trauma, lack of access to food or other problems they face. These are not isolated issues. They are all connected.

How Does Complex Care Work?

Complex care is a form of integrated health care that understands and meets clients’ personal needs. At Pacific Clinics, we provide long-term care to improve clients’ quality of life.

Complex care involves seeing the big picture. At Pacific Clinics, we ask ourselves, “How can we understand their complex network of needs? How can we meet these needs?”

If you’re seeking care for behavioral, physical or mental health challenges our complex care services can help. We welcome you to contact us with any questions. Together, we can offer supportive care to our community and make a difference.

Everyone is welcome here

We’re Here for You.

We aim to make a positive difference in the communities we serve.

Your information is safe with us. We do not share any personal information submitted to us with any third-party entities.