Pacific Clinics delivers high-quality behavioral health and social services to advance health equity and well-being for children, adults and families. Learn more about our life-affirming services offered on-site, at home, virtual and in the community.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
Individualized Complex Care Services
Neurodevelopmental Services
Intensive Community-Based Services and Wraparound
Mobile Crisis Services
Placement Supportive Services
Prevention and Early Intervention Services
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
First 5
Hope Program and Katie A Program
Support Services offer various programs to address social determinants of health, including housing and employment coaching and placement, among other critically needed services.
Thousands of students of varying ages, backgrounds, and academic levels in California need support with addressing chronic absenteeism, social isolation, alternatives to suspension, wellness, and mental health disorders. Pacific Clinic’s School Based Intervention Teams (SBIT) provide solutions to educators and families to support equitable access for all students to engage in meaningful services that support academic and social emotional learning.
Pacific Clinics’ School-Based Intervention Teams (SBIT) work within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) that aligns with Community Schools and state initiatives to ensure equitable and evidence-based practices for all students. SBIT focuses on tiered interventions and specializes in Behavior Consultation, Professional Development for Educators, Wellness Center operations, Special Education Services (SPED), Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Restorative Practices, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Addiction Prevention, and Evidence Based Practices. SBIT takes a value-based approach that is data and outcomes driven. SBIT partners with numerous schools, districts, and office of education sites across California. Our teams provide support to students 4 to 23 years of age. Services are available across various locations.
Pacific Clinics’ School-Based Intervention Teams (SBIT) offer a full continuum of multi-tiered programs and services for educators and students in general and special education. Services are available year- round. SBIT is a robust and comprehensive education solution designed to meet your district’s tiered needs. The SBIT teams work alongside district staff with the implementation of universal screeners, social emotional curriculum (SEL), teaching school-wide expectations and rules across settings, and implementing school-wide reinforcement systems.
This collaboration ensures that a student’s academic, behavioral, attendance and/or wellness needs are being met in school to ensure a successful educational experience. Services implemented by the SBIT teams are developmentally appropriate, and evidence based. We apply function-based strategies to achieve positive educational and social-emotional outcomes.
Pacific Clinics’ School-Based Intervention Team (SBIT) is a robust and comprehensive education solution designed to ensure that a selected population of students or students that are in need of targeted academic, behavioral, and/or emotional support receive effective intervention that meet their needs. Tier II interventions are delivered at the school site, are integrated within the school day, and are either provided in a push-in or pull-out model.
SBIT team members integrate into the site’s culture and implement interventions in collaboration with teachers, classroom support aides, and administrators. SBIT teams strive to support sites with eliminating the need for special education assessments and/or alternative placements.
Pacific Clinics’ School Based Intervention Teams (SBIT) has partnered with schools throughout California to effectively integrate our services within each school’s culture to support students requiring more targeted and intensive services. SBIT teams develop goals, collect data, analyze trends, use data to inform decisions, support Student Success (SST) and Special Education (SPED) teams with reporting, planning, and assessment needs. SBIT teams focus on communication, collaboration, and consistency across teams to ensure continuity of support.
Pacific Clinics specializes in supporting districts with developing positive school cultures, building connections, and enhancing family and community engagement. We work closely with school staff and administration to enhance the delivery of integrated student supports and extended learning opportunities.
Pacific Clinics offer consultation, implementation, and operations to support schools with installation and launch of Wellness Centers that include;
Pacific Clinics has a robust continuum of care, from prevention to mobile crisis services. This can include:
Pacific Clinics can offer specialized support and consultation with navigation, design and implementation related to participation in the CYBHI fee schedule released by DHCS. This can include, but not limited to:
Pacific Clinics can offer specialized support and consultation with navigation, design and implementation related to participation in the CYBHI fee schedule released by DHCS. This can include, but not limited to: